Buon Barone Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Cylindrical steel can


Extra virgin olive oil harvested from the first week of October.
In this autumn phase, the olives begin to ripen and the oil contained within them consequently takes on ever softer, golden colours.

A blend equally divided between Leccino, Frantoio and Moraiolo, whose aroma retains the fruity characteristics of an oil made from fresh olives.

The leccino and frantoio with advancing ripeness begin to sweeten, the moraiolo returns the complex and rich aromatic profile of Umbrian oils.
Fruity hints with herbaceous notes.

SKU N/A Category

ON THE TABLE: un olio adatto alle esigenze di tutti i giorni, ottimo se impiegato per cucinare in padella.

A perfect condiment for simple dishes such as pasta, various grilled meat and fish dishes, vegetables and desserts.

The name recalls another renowned historical figure in our territory; ‘Bonus Baro‘ (in fact, Buonbarone) was in actually the nickname given to Brother Elias, one of the most faithful and enigmatic followers of St. Francis of Assisi, before taking his vows. It is said to have originated in Beviglie, a hilly area of Assisi from which most of our olive trees derive.

Weight N/A

250ml, 500ml


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